Going the extra mile to sell salmon health message
A public relations campaign to support Scottish salmon companies taking part in the Seafood Expo North America in Boston and to provide positive reassurance in Scotland starts this weekend: “Scottish Salmon – good food, good health, worth going the extra mile for.”
The campaign will focus on promoting Scottish heritage, quality and health. It will engage with key social media influencers and consumers in the UK and major USA cities.
The focal point is a short film entitled The Extra Mile to show how it is worth going the extra mile for good food and good health. Scottish film locations and iconic landmarks such as Edinburgh Castle, Glen Etive and Glenfinnan have been included to reinforce the Scottish provenance message and to stimulate conversation, particularly in the US.
The Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation (SSPO) has partnered with The Scotsman to show the film on its website, along with editorial. The film will also appear on The Scotsman’s social media channels boosted in key US cities of Boston, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Miami. The Scotsman website has a significant US-based readership.
The SSPO has also enlisted the services of a well-known health and wellness blogger in Scotland and one in the USA. Mummy Jojo is based in Edinburgh and has an audience of over 100,000 in the UK and in USA and Canada.
Sarah Dussault is particularly well-known on YouTube and has an audience in excess of 500,000, predominantly in New York, Boston, Chicago and California. She will work to debunk myths about farmed salmon and speak specifically about why Scottish salmon is the premier choice for her and her family.
A comprehensive programme of social media content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the SSPO website will highlight Scottish salmon as a high quality, healthy food produced in stunning Scottish waters.