Fish farm workers rescued after boat capsizes
Three men working for Norwegian salmon farmer Lerøy spent half an hour in the sea today after their workboat capsized.
The men, who were rescued by two other Lerøy boats, were cold but otherwise unharmed, Norwegian news site Bergens Tidende (BT) reported.
They had been working on a cage in Hjeltefjorden, Vestland and were aboard a 28-foot rigid inflatable boat.
Strong wind
According to duty commander Ole Jakob Hartvigsen at the 110 (emergency) exchange, the fire brigade was notified of the accident at 11.34 local time.
“This happened southeast of Rongesundet near Torsvik. It is blowing 12 metres per second now in the area,” said Hartvigsen.
West police district task leader Frank Listøl told BT that the boat had been thrown around due to the conditions and the men ended up in the sea, where they lay for half an hour.
“But they were notified ashore, and two boats were sent to pick them up. In addition, there was a large emergency response from the emergency services and from the Main Rescue Centre with helicopters, boats and crew on land.”