Implementing AI technology on two Cermaq sites
ReelData are looking forward to kicking off a trial with BC salmon farmer, Cermaq Canada within the next month.
The companies have been working together to install and test ReelData’s AI technology solutions at two of Cermaq's freshwater land-based facilities, Boot Lagoon and Oceans, they explain in a press release.
The trial is planned to run for several months and will be used to assess improved feeding efficiency care of ReelData’s, ReelAppetite system, whilst automated average weight and weight distribution measurements will be collected via ReelWeight, an AI camera system designed specifically for land-based systems with individual fish recognition allowing for both accurate and highly representative sample weights.
Clear goals
Janusz Wicikowski, Freshwater Director for Cermaq Canada said about the trial “We are thrilled about the opportunity to collaborate with ReelData. At Cermaq, we are constantly seeking innovative solutions, and we believe that ReelData's AI technology has great potential to help us further optimize our practices, he said.
He adds that they are very satisfied with the progress of the trial.
"From the onset, we were able to establish clear goals, expectations, and timelines for the trial. The highly professional team of engineers from ReelData seamlessly integrated their equipment into our complex RAS systems, and we look forward to starting the next phase of the trial.”.
Head-to-head competition
Commercial Director for ReelData, Gareth Butterfield shared his enthusiasm for the trial, “We’re incredibly excited to be working with Cermaq. The freshwater team are already producing phenomenal biological results and we’re happy that they’re open to work with us, to consider AI technology to help refine further their processes and production accuracy.”
The trial design by ReelData allows Cermaq to test the ReelAppetite system against standard feeding practices, whilst ReelWeight will be pitted against standard manual weighing practices, in a head-to-head competition against Artificial Intelligence.
Gareth continued, “Our ReelAppetite system is designed to optimize feed delivery ensuring fish have the maximum opportunity to feed, whilst simultaneously reducing uneaten feed. This can lead to significant benefits in FCR reduction and growth. We’re also seeing through the ReelAppetite system a benefit of improved water quality and a reduced coefficient of variation in the population, which we expect to get picked up through our AI biomass camera, ReelWeight.”
The deployment in Cermaq Canada adds to the existing list of countries that ReelData supports, including Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, and the USA.
They are also currently in discussions for deployments in the UK, Chile and Tasmania as well.