Key members of Vaki recently attended Aqua Sur. Image: Vaki.

New chapter for Vaki

Vaki has expressed its excitement at being acquired by Pentair, following the finalisation of the deal today. 

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“As a new member of the Pentair family we at Vaki are delighted to take this opportunity to share in this exciting time in our journey and let you know how we will be a stronger partner for all our customers,“ a spokesperson for the Icelandic firm told Fish Farming Expert.

The Icelandic company will be joining a conglomeration of firms that had revenues of $6.4 billion last year and which employs approximately 28,000 people worldwide, which should give greater global to their products.

As Vaki explain: “With Pentair we have a wider product portfolio specific to the real needs of fish farmers and the increased coverage and resources to now strengthen the local customer service and support network for all key regions.

“The Vaki team has a unique position to increase new product development and accelerate improvements to the familiar Vaki range. Together with Pentair, Vaki can continue to lead with innovation, service and support.“

Vaki will retain its identity within the Pentair family.

A press release issued by Karl Frykman, President of Pentair’s Aquatic Systems Business Unit, adds: “The addition of Vaki is expected to strengthen Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems’ business by broadening its range of systems, products and services in the growing aquaculture market space.

“Vaki is focused on the design and manufacture of fish handling, counting and grading solutions for a variety of aquaculture applications. Vaki also develops and offers cutting-edge technology for biomass estimation in aquaculture systems; providing users with accurate information to maximize operational efficiencies, facilitate resource planning and optimize decision-making. Vaki products have widespread global adoption, with utilization in more than 50 countries.

“As the aquaculture industry continues to experience rapid growth, the addition of Vaki Aquaculture Systems complements our ability to meet the increasing market demand for advanced solutions, technology and equipment. Vaki also helps to strengthen our position as a comprehensive single source provider.”