Research and industry meet at " Smolt Production of the Future"
The conference is an arena for knowledge exchange between fish farmers and researchers. The two days in October are packed with facts from the researchers and experiences from industry players.
"Since the last conference, we have gained more
knowledge about smolt production, and experience with solutions in the industry
is increasing. Political leadership in the Norwegian Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Fisheries is also in place, and we hope that the conference will
be a fruitful meeting point," says Trine Ytrestøyl in a press release.
Ytrestøyl has led the work with the program for the conference “Smolt Production of the Future”, which will take place on 16-17th of October 2024 at Sunndalsøra at the west coast of Norway. The conference has attracted 2-300 participants from the industry every other year since it started in 2008.
The conference is for everyone who is interested in the production of smolt and post-smolt, whether it takes place in closed facilities on land or at sea.
"There is a rapid development towards increased production of large smolt, at the same time as there are challenges with welfare and mortality in the sea. Good smolt quality is part of the solution to these challenges," says Trine Ytrestøyl, Senior Scientist at Nofima.
The main topics for this year's conference will be experiences with the production of large smolt, smolt quality, fish health and welfare, water quality and feed and feeding in RAS. New this year is a panel debate.
Professional interpreters will translate Norwegian lectures into English simultaneously.

Exhibitors are welcome
The organizers connect with sponsors from the industry to be able to offer a better conference at a reasonable cost for the participants.
The sponsors have stands in the exhibition area outside the conference hall.
"There is room for many exhibitors here in addition to the sponsors," says Ingrid Lein. She coordinates the companies that want to present their products and expertise during the conference.
"We try every time to make this an even better meeting place for suppliers and conference participants. It's social and tends to be a very nice meeting place as well," she concludes.
Registration is open at www.smoltproduksjon.no . The conference is being arranged by Nofima and Sunndal Næringsselskap (Suns).