Grieg harvested a considerably smaller volume of fish in Q3 2023 than it did in the same period last year.

Grieg’s Q3 harvest volume reduced by impact of disease


Norway and Canada salmon farmer Grieg Seafood harvested approximately 12,200 gutted weight tonnes in the third quarter of 2023, which was not much more than half of the 22,923 gwt harvested in the same period last year.

In Norway, Grieg harvested 4,800 gwt in Rogaland and 1,300 gwt in Finnmark. In Canada, it harvested 6,100 gwt in British Columbia.

“The farming cost in Rogaland was impacted by ISA (infectious salmon anaemia) related harvest and reduced survival in the quarter,” Grieg said in a market update.

“Finnmark did not plan to harvest during Q3 but prioritised early harvest over biomass growth to maintain fish welfare related to Spironucleus Salmonicida. The early harvest and low harvest volume impacted the farming cost.”

Average regional farming costs per kg for the quarter were approximately:

  • Rogaland: NOK 65.8
  • Finnmark: NOK 83.8
  • British Columbia: CAD 10.9 (NOK 87.5 at today’s exchange rate)

Grieg’s complete Q3 2023 report will be released Tuesday, November 14.