Aquaculture 'is helping to keep communities alive'
The aquaculture industry contributes to the long-term viability of many communities, according to a newly released report commissioned by Marine Scotland.
The report by economic and social research group ekosgen found the sector provides year-round, well-paid jobs and supports economic growth in rural, coastal and island areas.
It says UK aquaculture – most of which is in Scotland - also supports a wider and more geographically dispersed supply chain including processing, distribution, feed supply and export.
Skills shortage
The report, Supporting the Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability of the UK’s Marine Sectors, also highlights key challenges including employers recruiting and retaining the skills they need in areas such as engineering, science, fish husbandry, fish health, feeding and biology.
Furthermore, the growth of the industry has not been enough to keep the UK’s global market share.
“For example, the rate of production growth for salmon in Scotland has been lower than competitor countries, and has resulted in a reduction in global market share from 10% in 2005 to between 7% and 8% in 2017,” states the report.
Rural economy secretary Fergus Ewing said: “This report highlights once again just how significant aquaculture is to Scotland’s rural economy and the viability of our island and coastal communities.
“The level of annual earnings for employees in these remote and island locations is significant and often not readily available from other jobs in these locations.
“Having a skilled and flexible workforce will be a key factor in the future success of Scottish aquaculture. That’s why we continue to work with our partners to promote skills development and to encourage new entrants to consider this crucial sector as a viable career path.
“Given the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic the Scottish Government will continue to work to preserve the future of Scotland’s aquaculture sector and the social fabric of our remote and rural communities.”
Regulatory regime
Julie Hesketh-Laird, chief executive of the Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation, said: “Salmon farming is crucial to the viability of some of our most remote communities as this report makes clear.
“If we want these communities to continue to thrive then we need to ensure conditions are as favourable as possible which means having the right skills, infrastructure and regulatory regime.”
The report also looks at commercial capture fishing (including sea fisheries and key inland fisheries), seafood processing, commercial seaweed harvesting and growing, marine renewable energy, oil and gas decommissioning and marine tourism.