Blockades spark freshwater production concerns

The seven freshwater salmon facilities on Chiloé Island are in an increasingly uncomfortable position, as the roadblocks and demonstrations in different parts of the region of Los Lagos - which have now lasted over a week - have not only caused losses of around US$ 80 million to the Chilean industry, but are also preventing key supplies such as feed and oxygen from getting to the island.

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Although the situation is still controllable, the Association of the Chilean Salmon Industry (Salmonchile) believes that if the blockades last for too long they will end up having a negative impact on Chilean salmon production for the next two years.

According to information published in Diario Financiero, the main problem is that the island's seven freshwater sites - each of which supply fish for up to 10 marine sites  - are already experiencing oxygen shortages.

The general manager of Salmonchile, Felipe Manterola, said that the effective island-wide transport shutdown means that not only is there a halt in the production and export of salmon, but it is also increasingly affecting day-to-day farming activities.

Meanwhile, on the mainland, Paola Sanhueza, workers’ representative in the processing plant of Salmones Blumar in the region of Biobio, is concerned that they have not received any fish from the region of Los Lagos since last Tuesday, something that ultimately affects wages and, if the situation continues, could also lead to loss of jobs.