Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, centre, with members of networking group the Young Aquaculture Society during Aquaculture UK in Aviemore this week. He is flanked by YAS president Andrew Richardson and engagement officer Alison Brough.

Saying yes to YAS

Young Aquaculture Society formally launched by Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar as up and coming professionals run shoulders with industry's movers and shakers in Aviemore


The Young Aquaculture Society (YAS) was officially launched at Aquaculture UK in Aviemore this week by visiting politician Anas Sarwar, leader of the Scottish Labour Party, at an event hosted by trade body Salmon Scotland in combination with its annual general meeting.

Sarwar said: “Aquaculture is a highly skilled profession with a huge range of job opportunities for young people. It was a privilege to formally launch YAS and I look forward to hearing more from the organisation as it develops networks, builds partnerships, and creates opportunities for the leaders of tomorrow.”

The event, which was attended by the leaders of the Scottish salmon sector, provided 30 young professionals the opportunity to network and hear from both Salmon Scotland and Sarwar about their views on the future of salmon farming in Scotland.

'With the decision makers'

“We were in the room with the decision makers and building relationships with future leaders. It was exciting to rub shoulders with such a dynamic group,” said YAS treasurer Marc Faber, a scientist at Moredun Research Institute.

YAS member and Scottish Sea Farms (SSF) fish veterinarian Alison Brough spoke on behalf of the young professionals network, taking to the stand to thank the organisers and share the vision of the group.

She also announced an upcoming YAS event which will take 20 YAS members on a farm visit with SSF, allowing them to learn about the whole farming process from egg to harvest.

“YAS is delivering on its promises to support early career women and men in our sector already, it’s an achievement we are rightly proud of,” said Brough.


The fledging organisation, which already has 150 members, collaborated with a number of partners at Aquaculture UK – a major trade show that includes conference presentations - to deliver impact and support the careers of its membership.

YAS was able to:

  • take two members to the sold-out Aquaculture UK Awards ceremony on Wednesday evening thanks to the generosity of Salmon Scotland and AquaScot;
  • engage with Aquaculture UK attendees at the Scale AQ stand, and;
  • organise a well-attended morning fun run that raised money for the RNLI in partnership with Scale AQ and Inverlussa Marine Services.