Kontali casts data net wider with Seafood TIP acquisition
Seafood data and analysis provider Kontali Analyse AS has acquired Seafood TIP (Trade Intelligence Portal), a move it says strengthens its position as the leading global player in systemising the world of fisheries and aquaculture.
Seafood TIP is a member-based platform which provides intelligence on trade, production, and market developments of various seafood species. Its core mission is to increase the level of transparency in the seafood supply chain by combining data analysis and storytelling to stimulate profitability and sustainability within the sector.
Kontali bought Seafood TIP from Netherlands-based Solidaridad, a solution-oriented civil society organisation that works to accelerate global sustainable and inclusive development.

All major segments
Thomas Aas, managing director of Kontali, which is based in Kristiansund, Norway, said in a press release that the company had a long-term relationship with Seafood TIP, both as a client and a cooperative partner.
“Seafood TIP has a strong foothold and knowledge within the seafood industry and will strengthen Kontali’s position in systemising the world of fisheries and aquaculture,” added Aas.
“With Seafood TIP onboard, the combined analytical capacity and sector coverage is expanded to all major segments within both finfish and crustaceans. This will strengthen Kontali’s commitment to increase transparency in the sector through insights and intelligence and also expand Kontali’s geographical presence with its offices in Utrecht.”

Broader audience
Seafood TIP managing director Sander Visch said: “Through the collaboration of Kontali and Seafood TIP’s expertise and knowledge, we are confident that we can develop our intelligence products further and reach a broader audience worldwide.”
Heske Verburg, Solidaridad Europe’s director, said that as an entrepreneurial civil society organisation, Solidaridad liked to see businesses taking over its initiatives for sector transformation.
“In this stage of its development, Kontali can offer Seafood TIP a better environment to grow than Solidaridad. Because of the immense importance of aquaculture for global food systems, I have no doubts we will continue to work with Seafood TIP in the future to make the aquaculture supply chain more transparent and sustainable,” said Verburg.