Biologique certification to Irish producer
The first generation of AB certified Clare Island Organic Salmon in Ireland will be available in June 2007. Agriculture Biologique certification is highly respected in France and only food which meets the high standards set by the French government can achieve the AB certification. Auditing was conducted by Qualité France and the certificate was issued in September 2006, following the final audit in June. It is valid to December 2008. Qualité France will audit the farm and processing plant annually. Natural environment The AB protocol sets specifications for stocking density, feed and its sustainability, as do other organic certification protocols. Additionally, AB has a strong focus on the effect a farming enterprise has on the natural environment. Clare Island Sea Farm was able to demonstrate excellent environmental performance, fully endorsed by an independent environmental impact assessement conducted as part of the licence requirement. This forms a part of Marine Harvest’s Environmental Management System. The survey validated how well the farm is working in harmony with its environment. Clare Island Sea Farm is one of the world’s most exposed salmon farms, located in waters off Clare Island, which is six kilometres from the coast of County Mayo in the west of Ireland. Large cages give the salmon generous room to follow their natural shoaling behaviour, in line with organic farming concepts. Clare Island Organic Salmon swim over 20,000 km in their lifetime, as much or more than many wild salmon.