AquaChile best to do business with in Q4
AquaChile has been ranked as the best salmon farmer in the country for paying small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the fourth quarter of last year.
However, the industry as a whole was placed sixth out of seven sectors in a new report by the Product Exchange and the Chilean Entrepreneurs Association on the payment terms of large companies to their SME suppliers.
The ranking assigns a maximum of 100 points to a company based on four criteria: i) compliance period of the payer; ii) ease of confirmation of invoices by the payer; iii) behaviour of the payer with its provider according to commercial conditions; and iv) payer exercises discounts on the invoice.
Health sector
The health sector is the best payer with 78.5 average points, followed by mining with 77.6 points and the state with 77.5 points, respectively. The energy sector has 75.6 points, food 74.4 and salmon farming 69.2 points. In last place, the construction sector has 68.1 points.
AquaChile, the country’s biggest salmon farmer, earned 86 points for its behaviour to its SME suppliers, and 93.3 for ease of commercial compliance.
Trusted partners
“These data show the effort made by our company to maintain our suppliers, despite the fact that the last 12 months have been difficult,” stated AquChile.
“As a company, we make this effort because we consider them our trusted partners and together with them, we seek to contribute to the development of southern Chile.”
According to the report, the salmon farming industry pays its SME suppliers in 43 days, more promptly than sectors such as construction (52), state (51), commerce (49), manufacturing (44) and wholesale (44).